Isabel M. Martinez
© 2004 - 2024   Isabel M. Martínez   All Rights Reserved
© 2024   Isabel M. Martínez   All Rights Reserved

Het Scheenbeen en Het Kuitbeen (two-person), Theoretische Kunstprojecten, The Hague, NL
Quantum Blink, VI Bienal Internacional Fotográfica Bogotá, curated by Gilma Suárez, Fotomuseo Museo Nacional de la Fotografía / Cero Galería, Bogotá, CO
Clignement Quantique, curated by Oliver Nouveau, De Visu Galerie, Metz, FR
The Weekend, featured exhibition for CONTACT Photography Festival, curated by Persilia Caton, The Gladstone, Toronto ON, CA
Accrual, 80 Spadina Gallery, Toronto ON, CA
Echo, Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography (Vitrines), Toronto ON, CA


Canada Now, curated by Denise Birkhofer, The Image Centre, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto ON, CA
A.P.P., Nuit Blanche 2019, curated by Kelly McCray and Ian MacLeod, Samara Contemporary Gallery and The Gladstone, Toronto ON, CA
Weight of Light, curated by Darryn Doull, Art Museum at the University of Toronto,Toronto ON, CA
Let There Be Light, curated by Bill Clarke, Angell Gallery, Toronto ON, CA
Built to Play, curated by Kelly McCray, FCP Gallery, Toronto ON, CA
Projection Project, curated by Kelly McCray and Ian MacLeod, Queen’s Park, Toronto ON, CA
Constructores, Fotomuseo Museo Nacional de la Fotografía, Bogotá, CO
Interstices, curated by Sally Frater and Tamara Tolero, Sur Gallery, Toronto ON, CA
Atlántica Colectivas, FotoNoviembre XIII Bienal Internacional de Fotografía de Tenerife, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Tenerife, ES
Módulos, public installation, VI Bienal Internacional Fotográfica Bogotá, Fotomuseo Museo Nacional de la Fotografía, Bogotá, CO
Love Art, preview exhibition (with EBA), First Canadian Place, Toronto ON, CA
SCANOFF, SCAN Terragona Festival Internacional de Fotografía, curated by Pep Escoda, Antigua Audiencia, Calatunya, ES
Paraty em Foco Festival Internacional de Fotografia, Sao Paulo, BR
SNAP, Arta Gallery, Toronto ON
PPAC, curated by Lesley Martin and Andy Adams, Philadelphia Photo Arts Centre, Philadelphia PA, USA
Freehand, 99 Gallery, Toronto ON, CA
Armory Arts Week, CART NY, New York NY, USA
Salon Art Prize, Griffin Gallery, London, UK
Salon Art Prize, Matt Robert Arts Gallery, London, UK
The Annual (formerly UpArt), Queen West Art Fair, The Gladstone, Toronto ON, CA
Flash Forward Festival Boston, featured exhibition Magenta Festival, Fairmont Battery Wharf, Boston MA, USA
Collecting Photography, Collecting The World, Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Beaverbrook NB, CA
Timeraiser, Distillery District, Toronto ON, CA
Magenta Flash Forward, The Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, Portland ME, USA
Magenta Flash Forward, Book Launch & Exhibition, Airship37, Toronto ON, CA
Magenta Flash Forward, PhotoWeek DC, Washington DC, USA
The Shilian City, Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, Santiago, CL
Middle Ground, CONTACT Photography Festival, Twist Gallery, Toronto, ON CA
26th Annual Juried Exhibition, SAC, Papermill Gallery, Toronto ON, CA
Bank on Art, 952 Queen St. West, May 2010, Toronto ON, CA
Black Hole, Parallel Gallery, London, UK


The Time Being,‘Walking, Distance, Solitude’, organized by Eva Kolcze and Jess Thalmann funded by the Digital Originals grant from the Canada Council for the Arts and CBC, CA
Overly Dedicated Podcast, Episode #22,Victoria BC, CA
Projection Project, curated by Kelly McCray and Ian MacLeod, ON, CA
The Latent Image, New York NY, USA
Pensar en Fotografía, Santiago, CL
Culturehall, New York NY, USA
Souvenirs from Earth, curated by Alex Crichton, FR
CART, New York NY, USA
Photographic Museum of Humanity,
Papirmass, 2012 Artist Print Run, Montreal QC, CA; Vermont, USA
Pictured Past Future Perfect, Shifting Tenses in Contemporary Photography, a project by Susan Dobson and Alison Nordström
PMS 485 C, Isabel M. Martínez – Quantum Blink, curated by José Carlos Marques, PT
Centro Virtual de la Fotografía Chilena, Catálogo de Fotografía, Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, CL
Bank on Art, Toronto ON, CA


FPN 2023-2024 Residency, Canada / UK
Visiting Artist in Residence, OCAD University, Toronto ON, CA
The Future is Coming Everyday, led by Elizabeth Zvonar, Thematic Residency, Artscape Gibraltar Point, Toronto Island ON, CA
Nomadic Residency Council, Airline Artist-in-Residence Program, IAH–YYZ


Outreach 2021 Symposium, Gallery 44, Toronto ON, CA
The Distance of an Echo, in conversation with Noor Alé (Assistant Curator, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington)
From Walking so Much in Circles, I Will End up Making a Sphere, in conversation with Noah Gano (Director, Angell Gallery)
These Things Take Time, Angell Gallery, Toronto ON, CA
Let There Be Light, Angell Gallery, Toronto ON, CA
September Artist Lectures, facilitated by Benjamin Freedman, The Assembly, Toronto ON, CA
Low Res, course instructed by Darren Rigo, Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography, Toronto ON, CA
The Lag Between Prediction And Response (via land-line telephone), Theoretische Kunstprojekte, The Hague, NL
La Imagen Construida, Fotomuseo Museo Nacional de la Fotografía, Bogotá CO
Medium and Large Format Photography, OCAD University, Toronto ON, CA
Proof 18, Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography, Toronto, ON CA
Doors Open, The Weekend, CONTACT 2011, The Gladstone, Toronto ON, CA
Canadian Art School Hop, The Weekend, CONTACT‘11, The Gladstone, Toronto ON, CA
Accrual, 80 Spadina Gallery, Toronto ON, CA


LensCulture Awards, LensCulture, Paris, FR
FOAM Magazine, Talent, Runner-up, Amsterdam, NL
The Magenta Foundation
, Flash Forward Competition  2012: Selected Winner
BlackFlash Magazine, Optic Nerve Image Contest, Honorable Mention, SK, CA
ArtSlant, 1st 2012 Showcase Winner, Los Angeles CA, US
The Magenta Foundation, Flash Forward Competition 2011: Selected Winner


Master of Fine Arts, School of Fine Arts and Music, University of Guelph, Guelph ON, CA
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Fine Arts, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, CL


Art Canada Institute, Picturing Place: Latin American Artists in Canada, October 14, 2022
Repaint History, Artist We Love: Isabel M. Martínez, October 16, 2019
Blouin ArtInfo, These Things Take Time, May 16, 2019
CBC Arts, It is all too Much by Leah Collins, May 6, 2019
Lattin Magazine, Seven Latin American gems to discover at the Toronto Contact Photography Festival, May 4, 2019
The World of Quantum, How Do Art and Quantum Nanoscience Connect?, IBS Center for Quantum Nanoscience (QNS),  Ewha Womens University, Seoul, KR
GEO Magazine, March 2019, Hamburg, GE
A5 Magazine, Portfolio, Issue #21, December 2018, Liverpool, UK 
ARTORONTOLet There Be Light, Interview with Bill Clarke, May 2018
Monochromatic Axonometric, Let There Be Light, May 19, 2018
Blouin ArtInfo, Let There Be Light, May 16, 2018
Medium, Weight of Light at Art Museum at the University of Toronto, April 30, 2018
F-Stop Magazine, Weight of Light at Art Museum at the University of Toronto, April 30, 2018
Artendencias, curated by Luis Benshimol, April 21, 2018
Revista Artishock, Portafolio de Isabel M. Martínez, April 21,2018
The Artbo, curated by Jelena Osmolovska, San Francisco CA, USA, July 10, 2017
BEX Magazine, Glosario de Artistas Latinoamericano, Mayo 2017, San Carlos de Bariloche, AR
Prefix Photo Magazine (cover), Portfolio: Darkness Is the Light That Has Not yet Reached Us, Scanning the Archives, Issue #34, Fall/Winter 2016, Toronto ON, CA
Kapsula Magazine (cover), THE END, Final Issue 2016, Toronto ON,CA
Marina Bellezza by Silvia Avallone (cover), dtv Verlagsgesellschaft, DE
Carteggi Letterari, Critica e Dintoni, InVersi Fotografici XI – Peskes(il dono), i desideri e il sopravvivere: Izet Sarajlic Vs Isabel M. Martínez, Milan, IT, April 18th, 2016
Cross Connect Magazine, Echo by Isabel M. Martínez, curated by Roberto Cruz Niemiec, April 2016
The Latent Image, Nerve, NY, USA, February 5th, 2016
Pensar en Fotográfia, Soportes Fotográficos Contemporáneos, Tercer Número, Verano 2016, Santiago, CL
Oxford American (cover), The Fiction Issue, Issue 89, Summer 2015, Little Rock AR, USA
Kapsula Magazine (cover), Possible Worlds, May Issue 2015, Toronto ON, CA
enRoute Magazine, May Issue 2015, CA
Revista OLD, Potfolio: Isabel M. Martinez, Issue #43, March 2015, São Paulo, BR*
Flash Forward 10, Special Anniversary Edition 4-book set Celebrating 10 Years of Flash Forward, Magenta Publishing for the Arts, 2014, CA
Flair Magazine Italia, November Issue 2014, Rome, IT
The Huffington Post, Arts & Culture, This is What the World Looks Like, According to Quantum Mechanics by Katherine Brooks, July 25, 2014
Slate Magazine photo blog Behold, Mesmerizing Portraits That Capture Multiple Moments in a Single Second by David Rosenberg, July 22, 2014*
FOCO Fotografía Contemporánea, Galerías, MX, June 9, 2014
LensCulture, curated by Jim Casper, FR, May 6, 2014
The Passenger Times øPhotography & Art, curated by Nicoletta Lolli, Apr. ‘14, Rome, IT
Mínimos III, curated by Jorge Piccini, Editorial BEX, 2014, San Carlos de Bariloche, AR
Rough Italia, Rough Fetish: for Isabel M. Martinez, Arts & Culture, IT, November 27, 2013*
Il Post , L’attimo fuggenteby Giulia Ticozzi, IT, October 15, 2013
Beautiful Decay, Quantum Mechanics Inspires Double Exposure Photographs by Danny Olda, Sept 16, 2013
iGNANT.DE, Sept 13, 2013
Kwerfeldein Magazin, September 2013, Bonn, DE
BEX Magazine #23: Especial Chile, August 2013, San Carlos de Bariloche, AR
De Gids: Literair Tijdschrift, Nummer 4: Bakens & dwaallichten, June 2013, Amsterdam, NL
Resource Magazine, TheExperiment: Playing with Time by Isabel M. Martinez, Spring 2013 Issue, New York NY, USA
Flash Forward 2012, Magenta Publishing for the Arts, CA
Papirmass, Artist Interview: Isabel M. Martinez, Issue #35, Nov 2012, Montreal QC, CA*
FOAM Magazine, Issue #32: Talent, October 2012, Amsterdam, NL
BlackFlash Magazine, Optic Nerve, Issue #29.3, October 2012, SK, CA
Fast Company Magazine, Issue #169, October 2012, New York NY, USA
The Creators Project, Quantum Blink Photo Series Questions Our Perception Of Time, July 5 2012
Fast Company Design, The Human Mind’s Wavering Eye, Frozen In A Single Photo written by Mark Wilson, Fast Company, NY USA, June 27, 2012
Juxtapoz, Quantum Blink by Isabel M. Martinez, June 21, 2012
PMS 485 C Magazine, Questionnaire, Women in Photography, Issue #1, N°1, May 2012, PT*
Creatie Magazine, Tot Leven, Favoriete Creatie, Issue #9, N°2, April 2012, Amsterdam, NL
Oitzarisme, Isabel M. Martinez–Quantum Blink, curated by Constantin Nimigean,RO, Feb 18, 2012
Artflakes Blog, Isabel M. Martinez: Quantum Blink, February 2, 2012
FlavorWire, Photographs That Play Tricks on Your Brain, January 20, 2012
Designboom, Isabel M. Martinez: Quantum Blink, January 20, 2012
My Modern Met, Mind-Bending Vertical Strips of Alternating Images, January 18, 2012
Flash Forward 2011, Magenta Publishing for the Arts, CA
The Magenta Links, curated by Konstantinos Flamiatos, GR, July 4, 2011
Foro Latinoamericano de Fotografía de São Paulo, Horizon (x3), BR, Mayo 4, 2011
Chilenización de la Fotografía, Horizon (x3), curated by Mane Adaro, CL, Mayo 2, 2011
Zupi Brazil, Reinventando o Tempo, BR, February 2, 2011
LOUDreams, The Weekend by Isabel M. Martinez, January 31, 2011
Art Sponge, The Weekend by Isabel M. Martinez, curated by Patrick Caire, CA, Jan. 30, 2011
Darkmoon Lilith Journal, Issue #4, Winter 2011, OR USA
Foro Latinoamericano de Fotografía de São Paulo, The Weekend por Isabel M. Martínez, BR, November 14, 2010
Chilenización de la Fotografía, Fin de Semana, curated by Mane Adaro, CL, Nov. 8, 2010
Lighthouse Magazine, Artist Portfolio: Accrual, Vol. 8, 2010, Ottawa, ON CA
Chilenización de la Fotografía, Same Time, Different Hours, CL, September 12, 2009


FotoMuseo Museo Nacional de la Fotografía, Bogotá, CO
Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton NB, CA
Deloitte, Vancouver BC, CA
Fairmont Battery Wharf, Boston MA, USA
The Framework Foundation, Toronto ON, CA
Nth Art Collective, London, UK
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, CL
The Image Centre,Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto ON, CA
Private Collections CA, CL, CO, DE, NL, UK, US

Thank you:

Canada Council for the Arts
Ontario Arts Council
Toronto Arts Council